Mention of a name 

I love having family and friends who are so open about telling me that they miss Logan too! Please know that each time it makes my heart so happy. Although I might cry missing him too, it makes me so happy to hear his name every time! 

Author: Beyondthewillows

I'm a wife, mother to two incredible children. One on Earth and one in heaven.

2 thoughts on “Mention of a name ”

  1. I think about Logan all the time. When I look at his pictures I think he definitely resembled you. He won’t be forgotten.

    Also, you wrote a blog post recently about people not talking about him after you mention that he passed away. My first instinct would have been to offer my condolences and change the topic (in order to not dredge up bad memories or sadness for the mom) but asking about the child’s name is such a duh! first step to opening up conversation. So, thanks for that… At least in the future I’ll be better equipped with the social graces (never my strong suit to begin with 😉 ).


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